Chapter I

1.  The Westminster Study Edition of the Bible­King James Version (Philadelphia, PA.: Westminster Press, 1958.) Ps.23:4.

2.  Joland Jacobi, The Psychology of Jung, (New Haven, CT.: Yale University Press,1943.) 102.

3. The concepts in the Anger Cycle chart were first given me in 1958 by Dr. Ted Lyons, a psychiatrist then practicing in Palo Alto, California.

 Chapter II

1.  Dr. David Bresler. The material in the text about Dr. Bresler was taken from tapes acquired at his Denver, Colorado workshop, ca. 1983. Further information about his work and publications can be found on his website at

2.  Plato, Apology, Great Books of the Western World. (Chicago.IL.: Encyclopedia Britannica, 1971.) 201.

3. My paraphrase of John 8:28. The N.I.V. Study Bible.

4.  Deepak Chopra. This quote is from a lecture given by Dr. Chopra in his 1991 appearance at Madison Square Garden, New York. 

5. “I am that I am.” Exodus 3:14. The N.I.V. Study Bible.

6.  Balaam and the jackass. Numbers 22:28, Ibid.

7.  Sigmund Freud, Beyond the Pleasure Principle (1920) Standard Edition (London, Hogarth Press, 1955), XVIII, 38.

  Chapter III

1.  Psalms 23:4. The King James Version of the Bible.

2.   C.D.C. Reeve, Socrates In The Apology: An Essay on Plato’s Apology (1989) Hackett Publishing Co. Indianapolis.

3. The correlation in the teachings of Jesus between sustained anger/hate is found in Matthew 5:21­22. The N.I.V. Study Bible.

  4. The classic definition of faith is found in Hebrews  11:1. The King James Version of the Bible.

5. Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (New York, A Fireside Book, Simon and Schuster Inc.,1989) 101.

  Chapter IV

1. Evelyn Underhill, Mysticism (New York, Meridian Books, Inc., 1955) 

Chapter V

1. Michael Talbot, The Holographic Universe (New York, Harper Collins Publishers, Inc.,1992) 47­50.

2. Jesus’ reference to the power of faith “as small as a mustard seed” is found in Matthew 17:20. The N.I.V. Study B

3. A Course In Miracles (Glen Ellen, CA, Foundation For Inner Peace, 1992) T­29. VI­1:9.

4. Jesus’ statement, “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect." is found in Matthew 5:48. The N.I.V. Study Bible.

5. Mother Teresa, No Greater Love (Novato, CA. New World Library, 1997) 

Chapter VI

 1. The question, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” in the pri­mal murder story involving Cain and Abel, is found in Genesis 4:9. The N.I.V. Study Bible.

  2. The benchmark divine commandment, given to Israel in a period of history marked by xenophobic tribal­ism, to love and treat the alien as part of their own family, to love them AS THEMSELVES, is found in Leviticus 19:33. The N.I.V. Study Bible.

     3. Jesus identified himself as one with every person in the parable recorded in Matthew 25:34­40. The N.I.V. Study Bible.

 4. The Cave Allegory­The Dialogs of Plato (Chicago, Encyclopedia Britannica. 1971.) Book VII, pp.388­389.

 5. The “greatest commandment” is identified by Jesus in Matthew 22:34­35. N.I.V. Study Bible.

6. The Great Shema of Israel, which has become the call to worship at each Friday night Shabbat service, is found in Deuteronomy 6:4. N.I.V. Study Bible.

7. The idea of Adam falling into a deep sleep and never awakening I drew from a statement in A Course In Miracles. T­2. I – 3:6.

 Chapter VII

1.     A more detailed description of the Three­Level House and the function of each level can be found in my book, Love Is An Inside Job. (Grants Pass, OR. Cyber Publishing Co.1993.) 11­33.

2.    Dr. Thomas Verney, The Secret Life of the Unborn Child (New York, Dell Publishing Co.1981.) 65.

3.   The Psalmist’s call to worship, “Enter in His gates with thanksgiving…” is found in Psalm 100:4. N.I.V. Study Bible.

4.    Dr. George G. Ritchie, Return From Tomorrow (Grand Rapids, Fleming H. Revell. 1978.)

5.     Dr. Melvin Morse, Transformed By The Light (New York, Ivy Books.1992.)

6.  op. cit., Return From Tomorrow. 113­116.

Chapter IX

1. The Importance of Vigilance and Repetition in Model Building. A key element in forming of a new male/female inner model is repetition. Discovering and fleshing out a model is not enough. Our minds are influenced by the force in nature called “hysteresis.”  In physical elements it manifests as a sort of molecular memory. When steel is heated and bent, if it is not held in its new shape, as it cools it will return to its original shape. A closer­to­home example is seen in straightening crooked teeth. Braces are placed on the ugly teeth. Pressure is applied, increased and maintained over an extended period of time until the “crooked memory” is eliminated. To correct our “crooked mental images” this same sus­tained positive pressure is essential. In time, the new model is securely operating on the subconscious level. The more whole the new model incorporated, the more aligned the subconscious is then to the superconscious soul Self.

Chapter X

1. “Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the sons of God.” is found in Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. Matthew 5:9. N.I.V. Study Bible.

2.   Sir John Keegan’s statement about terrorism in the name of Islam was taken from an article on Donald Rumsfeld in Vanity Fair magazine, February, 2003.

3.  Frank C. Laubach, Letters by a Modern Mystic (Syracuse, N.Y. New Reader's Press, 1955.)

4.    The parable of the Kingdom of Heaven, which is the Kingdom of Peace, describing the influence of the power of peace on the whole world, is found in Matthew 13:33. N.I.V. Study Bible.

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